Booking and prices

Prices in DKK


Hotel Nordlys, Oqaatsut

Double room incl. breakfast 1195 DKK
Extra bed in room 345 DKK
Breakfast per person  95 DKK

Bed&Breakfast, Oqaatsut

Double room without breakfast 675 DKK
Single room without breakfast 475 DKK
Breakfast at Hotel Nordlys   95 DKK

Boat trips to and from Oqaatsut with “Greenland Authentic Tours”

Boat trip to Oqaatsut round trip, per person 900 DKK
Boat trip to Oqaatsut or Ilulissat one way, per person 450 DKK
Boat trip to and from Oqaatsut in connection with  
accommodation either at the Hotel Nordlys or  
Bed & Breakfast one way, per person 400 DKK
Children under 12 years, half price.  

Adventure Tours with “Greenland Authentic Tours”

Whale watching, min. 2 persons 895 DKK
Fishing by boat, incl. fishing license, min. 2 people 775 DKK
Fishing rod hire, without fishing lure, per day 200 DKK
Ice fishing with longline in winter, incl. fishing license, per person, min. 3 people 875 DKK
Fish & East, incl. fishing license, per person, min 2 people 875 DKK
Sailing to Ilulissat Isfjord from Oqaatsut, min. 3 persons 650 DKK
Coffee-mik with a Greenlandic family, per person 300 DKK
Heather roasted seal meat in the open, per person 395 DKK
Village tour in Oquaatsut, per person 250 DKK

Dog sledding

2 hour trip, per person 1495 DKK

Snowmobile transfer

Ilulissat – Oqaatsut – Ilulissat 1900 DKK

Café Nordlys, open all year

Lunch plate consisting of Greenlandic raw materials 175 DKK

Coffee, tea, cake, water, beer, wine, etc. can be purchased at the café all year round


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